Linggo, Agosto 28, 2011

Jesus enters Jerusalem

Bible Verse: Your king is coming to you... He is on the colt of a donkey. Zechariah 9:9

Message: Jesus offers a different kingdom, He rode a donkey when other kings ride on horses and chariots. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people welcomed Him and we can welcome Him too as our Lord.

Lesson Time:
I asked the kids what they know about parades:
  1. What can you see on a parade?
  2. Why people go have parades?
  3. Do you need to be scared of parades?
  4. What parades have they joined?
Then, I told them that a long time ago, a parade happened and that same parade is still done up to this day, once a year. They were interested to know what it was. Careful not to associate the Palm Sunday rituals, I focused more on the donkey, the coats being laid down, and the words the people exclaimed.

Separating the girls from the boys, I assigned line leaders from the two groups. I told them we will have a parade and we will shout Hosanna, which means 'welcome, Jesus!'

It was fortunate that we have a huge place to roam around. We went around the hall shouting hosanna. The kids were marching and shouting, the other older classes were looking at us perhaps figuring, why the noise? :)

Game: Charades
Afterwards, the kids went to their spots. I showed them a book of how to praise Jesus, explaining that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, all the people were praising Him as their king. The book showed a little girl listening to her Sunday school teacher, praying, singing, reading the Bible with her parents.

Then I asked for volunteers. The kids in front will act out the word I will whisper in her ear, no word should be used. Girls vs. boys have to guess the answer. The preschoolers acted out the following ways to praise Jesus:
  • praying
  • reading the Bible
  • singing
  • listening to teacher
The girls team won. I asked the boys to say congratulations to them, while the girls had to say thank you.

Crafts time: Maracas
Now I told the class that we will make another parade, but this time we will be prepared. We will welcome Jesus using maracas which we will make ourselves.

I have prepared before hand cylinders from used cardboards. Then I gave them square pieces of paper to be the topper and the bottom part. They are to put grains of rice or mongo inside.

Voila, we have our very own maracas.

I even asked them to write the word Hosanna Jesus in their maracas.
Our sample maracas - made by a 3-year old boy

Extra time: Palm Leaf samples
Since we still had time, I was able to use what Teacher Tez, the other preschool teacher gave me. However, the materials were not enough for every one so I only got to ask the girls and allowed the boys to play. They were eager to run around.

The craft was palm leaf with the sticker of the memory verse. An ice cream stick served as the branch.

Jesus heals ten lepers

Bible Verse: God I will give you thanks forever. Psalm 30:12

Message: God does not need our thanks, yet He delights in hearing them from us. Let us develop the habit of thankfulness at an early age.  To understand that Jesus heals both physical ailments and spiritual conditions of the heart.

Lesson Time:
 With a doctor’s props - a stethoscope, I asked the kids about what they know about being sick and  how to get well.

I also passed around a sheet of paper  containing clip art images of different things. They are to encircle all the things that will help them get well when they are sick. Also including among the choices are images of praying hands, Bible among others. Then when all are done, one by one the children briefly explained their answers.

Afterwards, I asked them watch a video wonderfully developed by, based on Luke 17:11-19

Here's a sticker and memory verse related to this too:

Huwebes, Agosto 4, 2011

Jesus Feeds 5000 - People Chain and CD Fish, how to spot a used CD/DVD

Bible Verse: Jesus is the Son of God... and [we] are sure that God loves us. 1 John 4:15a, 16

Message: Jesus did miracles because He is the Son of God. As His children, we can also experience and start miracles by sharing what we have with others!

Message Time:
As an ice breaker, I made the children paste around 100 pcs of paper people in a big paper posted on a sturdy wall. I asked the kids to race.

The paper people were made from paper chain cut outs I did beforehand, but were cut out to appear individually.

After sticking them all, I asked them to guess how many were all the paper people they pasted. Once they guessed correctly, I told them that Jesus was able to feed 100 x 50 = 5000 with just five loaves of bread and two fish.

Some of the older preschoolers were really in disbelief. They were saying that can't be done. So I asked again if Jesus can do that and though I heard a majority of 'yes' there were still the doubting Thomas.

I then showed them the paper chain trick, wherein using just a single piece of paper folded many times over, you may cut out a chain of people. Then, I reinforced the thought that since Jesus is God, He can do all these things and more.

With their wondering mind, I then asked for volunteers to hold up puppets. The puppets were the same puppets I used the previous lesson. However, instead of showing the kids, I have revised the puppet to show just a boy.

Narrator: People from all over would come to hear Jesus speak. They would follow Him wherever He went. One day, they followed Him far out of town. They listened to Him all day, and late in the day they were getting pretty hungry!

Disciple 1: Jesus look at all these people!

Disciple 2: They look very hungry!

Narrator: The crowd was saying, “I am so hungry!” (make the crowd say, “I am so hungry” and if they don’t do it loud enough, make them do it again!)

Jesus: We need to feed them!

Disciple 3: But Jesus, we don’t have any food!

Jesus: No food at all?

Disciple 4: There is a little boy with a little bit of food

Boy: I have 5 little loaves of bread and 2 fish

Disciple 1: I was really hoping for a hamburger

Disciple 2: And a milkshake

Disciple 3: And some French-fries

Disciple 4: What about a nice healthy salad?

Boy: All I have is 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread.

Disciple 1: That’s not enough to feed all these people

Disciple 2: There are 5000 people Jesus!

Narrator: The crowd was saying, “I am so hungry!” (make the crowd say, “I am so hungry” and if they don’t do it loud enough, make them do it again!)

Jesus: (says to the boy) Will you share your lunch with me?

Boy: OK…but it’s only a little lunch!

Narrator: The crowd was saying, “I am so hungry!” (make the crowd say, “I am so hungry” and if they don’t do it loud enough, make them do it again!)

The Boy comes and brings his lunch bag to Jesus

Jesus: (prays) Thank you Father-God for this food. Now…go hand out the food to the people.

Narrator: Then the most amazing thing happened. Jesus prayed over the food and a miracle happened…those 2 fish and 5 pieces of bread became more and more and more…and there were soon basketfuls of bread to feed everyone! No one was hungry at all…they all thanked Jesus for the food!

Thanks to Teresa Klassen for the above script.

Craft activity time:
Recycled CD fish from DLTK-Bible

Step 1
Using the patterns from the above link, pre-cut the various fish parts to be pasted onto the CD.

Step 2
Decorate the shiny part of the CD with permanent marker to give the fish scales.

Step 3 (Optional)
Put string if desired. 

Tip on how to check if a CD/DVD has been used
Used CDs and the likes have a different-shaded ring that may be found on the innermost part. Usually that's darker than the rest of the CD.